Classes: Athletes will enter the lobby through the front door, sign in at the front desk and enter the gym using the door to the right of the office. Be sure to bring a water bottle with you! The only classes being held are the ones listed below. If Saturday classes aren’t listed, they are not being held that weekend. Classes for the upcoming 2 weeks are posted on Sundays! All classes are done by drop-in only (no lumped sessions) and you pay as you go. Classes are $14 (unless noted otherwise) and last for 1 hour. There is no registration/annual fee associated with classes!
Attire: Athletic wear and athletic shoes must be worn to every class!
Please note: There is a strict 5 minute cutoff time (insurance policy) for all tumble, jump & flexibility classes. Athletes will not be permitted after cutoff time (unless there is an extra instructor available to go through a proper/thorough warm up & stretch). Shoes must be worn for all classes listed.
CLASS ATTIRE: Comfortable athletic wear & athletic shoes must be worn to every class [please make sure that hair is pulled back]!
Tiny Tumble
Age Requirement: (ages 3.6-6.9)
Skills worked: Forward and backward rolls, back bends, handstands, cartwheels, round-offs & body positions (Ex., tuck, pike, straddle, bridge, hollow-body) .
Prerequisites: None
Beginner Tumble
Age Requirement: (ages 6.10 & up)
Skills worked: Forward and backward rolls, back-bends, handstands, front and back-walkovers, cartwheels, round-offs and body positions (Ex., tuck, pike, straddle, bridge, hollow-body).
Prerequisites: None
Skills worked: Standing back-handsprings, round-off back handsprings and front handsprings. Handstands, cartwheels, round-offs, body positions & various other drills are used to develop body awareness, strength & proper tumbling form.
Prerequisites: Must be able to perform a strong, SOLID handstand snap down, strong round off, cartwheel (both legs), strong round off rebound, forward and backwards roll and both front and back walkovers.
Intermediate Tumble
Skills worked: Standing series and running series tumbling (i.e., connected multiple back-handsprings, running tucks) and begin drills for proper set into back tucks, front tucks etc.
Prerequisites: Must be able to perform a strong, unassisted standing 2 back handsprings & strong round-off back-handspring.
Stunt Class
Age Requirement: (Ages 7 & up)
A stunt group is provided for athletes to learn and develop beginner through advanced stunting skills. Stunt class will stress safety, consistency, proper timing, body positions, skill progression, transitions and dismounts. Skill specific drills and stretching are provided to reinforce learning and promote greater flexibility.
There is a strict 5 minute cutoff time (insurance policy) for all tumble, jump & flexibility classes.
Athletic wear & athletic shoes must be worn to every class.
Advanced Tumbling
Skills worked: developing layouts, fulls, double fulls, arabians, whips & in combination with transition tumbling skills (i.e., multiple skills and body positions connected in one series).
Prerequisites: 1) Must be able to perform a strong round-off back-handspring layout and standing tuck to enter this class; 2) Must be able to perform a strong and unassisted layout before working on full-twisting layouts.
Flexibility Class:
This class is designed to work ONLY on flexibility, core & strength training.
Jump Tech:
This class is designed to work on jump fundamentals (height, technique & flexibility) the Stingray way! Athletes will also work jump/tumble combinations within their appropriate level.
Learn both side and front aerials in this class for cheer, for dance or just for fun!
Prerequisites: Cartwheel on both legs, round off on both legs with a rebound, front and back walkover, hand stand front limber
Skills Worked: Front & back walkovers and valdez; combination passes to include valdez and walkovers
Prerequisites: Bridge, backbend, handstand, cartwheel, forward roll, backward roll and round-off.
Skills Worked: Workouts & drills to improve endurance, strength & technique
Prerequisites: Stamina 🙂
Front Tumbling:
Front Tumbling Prerequisites –> Skills Worked
Strong Front walkover series –> Front Handsprings, front aerials
Strong Front handspring –> Punch Fronts, front Aerials
Strong Punch front –> Front handspring punch fronts
Athletic wear & athletic shoes must be worn to every class!
There is a strict 5 minute cutoff time (insurance policy) for all tumble, jump & flexibility classes.